Meet Your Ancestors

The Firebug
Warm and bright like a campfire and destructive like a firestorm, Pyria truly embodies the element that has chosen her. Growing up in chaotic, tumultuous times, Pyria was merely a teenager when she faced the greatest bane of Estaria - the Dracolich. She stood in its way and saved hundreds of people, giving them time to escape from the city. Her magic is capable of unleashing hellfire on everything around her, making her an extremely formidable opponent and a valuable ally. Still retaining the optimism of childhood, the cheerful and energetic girl is quick to befriend Ancestors and heroes. As long as you understand some things just need to burn.

The Nomad
An eternal traveller, a descendant of royalty, or a clever crook relying on his tricks - there are contradictory tales of Tallan wherever he goes. Adaptable and swift like the wind, Tallan has been known to change the course of many battles with his outlandish strategies and powerful Wind magic. Against all odds most of his wildly unconventional ideas seem to work out for the best, whether it’s through luck or skill. Mercurial and quick-witted, there seems to be much about his true emotions and opinions that he hides behind the veneer of his jokes.

The Knight of Gaia
Blessed by Gaia with superior strength, the ever dependable Kiana is who you need on your side on any battlefield. A fierce warrior in both defence and attack, wielding a greatsword and a shield at once, Kiana came to Estaria when the lands were ravaged by dragons and became one of the greatest protectors of the kingdom. Steady, strong, and stubborn, she has been around for centuries and has seen many rulers, and she might be a little slow to trust them.

The Hand of Tranquility
A devoted healer born in tumultuous times, Kerrik has seen many friends and allies fall or give into corruption. Blessed - or cursed, if you ask him - with powerful magic, Kerrik is determined to only use it to heal and protect, supplementing it wherever he can with natural remedies and herbs. And yet, the well of power is right at his fingertips, and sometimes to protect is to take a stand.

The Nightingale
A devoted archivist and a famed bard - many of Estaria’s greatest tales owe their survival and popularity to Jennie. As skilled a fighter as she is a poet, Jennie believes lifting people’s spirits is as important as protecting them. She came to the capital to learn more of her own powers, but quickly became fascinated by the elemental magic and eager to not only learn more, but also to share that knowledge with others. Bubbly, smart, and relentless, she can be a thorn in the side of those in power and with a guilty conscience, making her even more beloved by the common people.

The Lightning Lord
Wearing visible traces of corruption for all to see, Narghal has a complicated relationship with his formidable powers. His magic can turn the battlefields to ashes and leave no one standing, and most of Narghals’ life has been spent taming it - holding back the buzzing current of power waiting to be unleashed. He has trained hard to keep a clear mind despite of what he thinks of as slow-acting poison. Cynical and pragmatic, almost harsh, determined to hide his softer side. Distrusts magic and those who wield it.

The Timeshifter
With a unique talent for always appearing in the nick of time, Xanthus can take control of any battlefield he enters. Cloaked in dark robes and imposing silence, Xanthus knows how to make the best use of time. After discovering the secret to traversing different versions of reality, he uses that knowledge to intervene at crucial points of Estaria’s history. Serious, guarded, and imposing; his gift of hindsight makes it difficult to forge friendships. Perhaps under the formidable exterior lies a deep fear of loss.

The Great Blacksmith
Turgen was one of the prime examples of corrupted magic changing an individual, but unlike many others, he kept his mind fully intact and did best he could with his physical changes. A powerful craftsman and blacksmith, Turgen was employed to work with some of the magical artifacts discovered in research ventures. Turgen has been exposed to a lot of twisted magic, and it began reshaping his body into a more beastly visage. His newfound strength and attunement to magic greatly contributed to the power of his work, and despite many doubters, he persevered in harnessing the magic for safe use.

The Huntress
The most skilled hunter of her era, Morta made it her mission to slay the most dangerous beasts and corrupted monsters haunting the lands. A tracker, adventurer, and healer, Morta ventured to the far corners of the kingdom to rid Estaria of corrupted beings, but her greatest fame was found standing arm in arm with one who many considered the most monstrous of all - Queen Nyx. Patient and protective, Morta measures her decisions carefully. She is not afraid to make the hard choices many would shrink away from.

The Hand of Order
A renowned commander, thought to always be a dozen moves ahead of his enemies. His imposing figure strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies and the mask he wears is a symbol of his oath. Cassius has pledged his life to Estaria and keeping order within its lands, and he cut himself off from any personal connections. The battlefield is a chessboard, and he is not reluctant to sacrifice his pawns. To this day, he hides his true identity behind the mask, and his past remains unknown, though many have tried to find it out. Calm and calculating, a master tactician, Cassius keeps almost everyone at arms’ length - or blade’s length. With the very few who managed to get close, he is fiercely loyal.

The Crow
The legendary thief of Estaria, accidental founder of the Thieves Guild, and chosen patron of all thieves and crooks. Anika grew up an orphan on the streets, honing her skills and building a crew of extremely talented individuals. She planned and succeeded in elaborate heists many thought impossible, including stealing Duncan’s Memory Stone straight from the Castle. With time, her little group formed the kingdom’s Thieves’ Guild, taking Anika’s name for themselves as the Crows. Charming, charismatic, and endlessly reckless, Anika will achieve just about anything she’s told she cannot do.

The Star of the North
The founding father and the first ruler of Estaria. A fierce protector of his family and his lands, Duncan set the standards for the kingdom and the Ancestors for many ages. Started off as an adventurer but quickly became a defender of the villages attacked by dragons, turning the fights from haphazard defence to coordinated efforts. As his home town grew and expanded, he was entrusted with its leadership, eventually laying the ground for the kingdom to come. While a warrior first and foremost, Duncan has the foresight to surround himself with advisors from all walks of life and parse through their advice - especially when aided by his wife Maeve’s counsel.

The Sprite
Forged a connection with the land that left her changed forever - so changed that many consider her not quite human anymore. Adrianna grew up near a very potent place of elemental power. When her home town was threatened by dragons, she asked the land for aid, and the land answered. Some feared she might have become corrupted, but even Estaria’s Grand Inquisitor could not find any traces of Corruption on her - she was simply changed by pristine magic. Adrianna withdrew into nature, protecting the land and those travelling it.

The Treasure Hunter
A gentleman adventurer and relic hunter, who augments his water powers with machinery and artefacts for a truly unique fighting style. Son of a noble fallen onto some hard times, Bastien sought to reinvent himself as a scholar and a magical expert - but did not quite have the temper for scholarly pursuits. He did, however, find his calling in uncovering hidden and lost treasures of Estaria, and discovered a true knack for fixing and augmenting them. Through those pursuits he rose to riches very quickly, not always through entirely legal means - some of the greatest heists and cons of Estaria were devised by Bastien.

The Spirit of the Wild
Adopted into the first royal family of Estaria, Brann repaid the kindness in full, becoming one of the fiercest protectors of the land. Raised by the wolf tribes of the north, Brann saved king Duncan’s life and forged a strong bond with the whole family and kingdom. His powers manifest as a guiding wolf spirit, making him a formidable warrior and a valuable ally. Brann believes in the strength of the pack, and the sanctity of family and friendship. Easy-going and kind, but deadly to anyone threatening those he holds close.

The Immortal
Estaria’s infamous immortal queen, whose army of the undead both protected and terrorised the kingdom. The death of young Princess Nyx has been shrouded in mystery but mourned by the whole kingdom. When, centuries later, she has been found entombed in ice by an adventuring expedition, she has been forever changed - cursed with cold fury and fear and capable of commanding forces of the undead. Nyx’s beauty goes hand in hand with fearsome powers and both keep people at arm’s length. Her cold exterior only melts for the most trusted of allies.

The Conjurer
A dedicated scholar of the elements, Jocelyn had no equal when it came to protective and supporting magic. In the Era of Chaos and danger, Jocelyn was the driving force behind magical research and the most vocal advocate for peace. After becoming the crown’s advisor, she frequently opposed Karstos’ ideas for the kingdom’s turn to military means. Her reliance on magic and her unique skill of summoning water spirits drew rumours that she might have fallen to corrupted magic, but it has never been confirmed.

The Eye of Inquisition
A trusted agent of the Inquisition, Synthia travelled far and wide to root out the corruption everywhere in Estaria. Like a lightning strike hitting with no warning, Synthia was sent to places where the corrupted magic reigned supreme. If not for her, many places would have been swallowed by chaos, but still, her name struck fear in the hearts of many, even those for whom the Inquisition was only a distant rumour. Zealous, with a laser focus and an iron will, Synthia believes the end justifies the means. She will take on the burden of being the means.

The Battlemage of Umbria
A masked wanderer and one of the most powerful mages of Estaria, capable of turning the tides of many battles. Nobody knows where Er came from, their chosen name of Umbria doesn’t recall any known lands; but they seem to have attached themselves to Estaria and helped greatly with the exploration and expansion of the kingdom. They seem to have a sixth sense for danger, especially for threats from the beasts of the lands, and often appear seemingly out of nowhere to help Estaria’s travellers and villages under attack. Quiet, aloof, extremely honourable.

The Unyielding
Forged in the chaos of battle and ruling Estaria with an iron fist, Karstos is a force to be reckoned with. Having inherited the throne at a time of great peril, Karstos led the elite warriors he trained himself against one of the greatest threats to ever visit the kingdom, the fearsome Dracolich. While he prevailed in the battle, he emerged changed, with an augmented body and a troubled mind. Unflinching, cunning, and ruthless; many think that the Dracolich’s influence still lingers in him, making it very hard to trust anyone or rein in his darker impulses.

Charlotte Trevaine
The Inventor
Despite being raised as a noblewoman and a trained diplomat, Charlotte’s true skills lie in her inventions. Charlotte’s passion for adventure and science started from the investigation of her own elemental powers, but quickly escalated, turning to machinery well beyond anything anyone else has seen. To this day her inventions are regarded as the most prized possessions by those lucky enough to encounter them. Charming, clever, and curious, Charlotte forges friendships easily, but unless built on mutual ideals, they rarely grow beyond superficial.

The Voice of the Ravens
A hermit and a powerful Earth mage, Emryn has a unique connection to the land and its creatures, allowing him to unleash the fury of wings and claws on the unsuspecting. As Estaria’s scholars began studying the places of power, alliances were made with those who lived around them, drawing on their powers and protecting them. Emryn was one of those allies, initially reluctant but coming to Estaria’s aid when the danger of the dragons started to loom. His ravens served as messengers and scouts and sowed chaos among the enemies. Stubborn and cranky, Emryn cares deeply for nature and the animals he looks after. Those who treat the land with due respect can earn his in turn.

The Icebreaker
All great stories need a villain and a hero. But what if they are both the same person? Cedric Thorne was born a son of a court official. He grew up in the castle and received an extensive education in all areas. Incredibly skilled with weapons and blessed with handsome looks, Thorne was surrounded by admiration from a very young age, which made him quite indifferent to it. Cold, witty, and calculated Thorne made perfect material for a spy - and that's whom he became, the Icebreaker, Estaria's most notorious spy. They say there is no information he can't get and that he will stop at nothing to get it. They say his heart is as cold, as his magic.

The Great Inquisitor
High Inquisitor of Estaria in the times of great upheaval. Zealous in her desire to rid the kingdom of corrupted magic and unafraid of fighting fire with fire. Teyrna was a soldier serving at an outpost that fell into corrupted magic. After being rehabilitated by the Inquisition, she joined its ranks and became one of its most devoted members, quickly rising to the top. Relentless in her hunt for corrupted individuals, Teyrna drew frequent criticism for her methods, which many saw as extreme. But in the era of growing chaos and threats both external and internal, nobody dared question her results.

from Barbarian Tribes
A powerful warrior who brought the strength of her tribes to aid Estaria in the fights with the dragons, forging deep alliances that lasted well beyond the times of danger. Her tiny stature may seem at odds with her fame as one of the greatest warriors of the lands, but not many can match her strength and skills with the blade. Triss doesn’t mind being underestimated, the element of surprise is one of the greatest weapons at her disposal, along with her sword, and the powers of thunder and lightning she can harness on the battlefield. Blunt, gregarious, and generous with allies, Triss forges friendships easily and quickly.

The Guiding Wind
The beloved first queen of Estaria, Duncan’s wife and his most trusted advisor and spymaster. Swift with her words and actions like the winds that chose her. While Duncan built and defended Estaria, Maeve made sure it survived for ages, dealing in secrets and shadows. A cunning diplomat and a fierce warrior in her own right, Maeve created the Shadow Blades, an elite spy unit that with time evolved into Estaria’s guard. Calm, cold, and calculating, Maeve advises caution with all decisions and swift actions once they are made.

The Fair
Duncan’s heir and the first guardian of his legacy. While he built the kingdom, Iona made sure it lasted. Iona combined her father’s gregarious personality and fighting skills with her mother’s tactical talents. Eager to prove herself and step out of her father’s shadow, she devoted her life to Estaria’s growth, pushing the dragons farther and farther south and establishing the kingdom’s borders. She was also the first ruler to draw on Ancestral magic, discovering the use of Memory Stones and the connection to Elysium. Open and optimistic, Iona can also be stubborn and has a bit of a chip on her shoulder in regard to matters of the kingdom. Very sympathetic to anyone forging their own way.